Thursday, March 15, 2012

Autism Registry Sudbury Ontario

Good day everyone!
Great NEWS!
The Autism Registry that the committee has been working on for families of those with Autism is FINALLY going live in April 2012.. please stand by as more details come your way !! HATS OFF SUDBURY!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

UPDATE on Wandering Person's Registry

Good day! As of October, the Registry for Vulnerable persons (name still to be decided) has moved forward - We are anticipating a full media announcement, and launch within the next few months and will keep you apprised as we go.. we are building our email list for the announcement, as well..The committe is bringing in Dennis Debbaudt, Autism and Risk Management -
to Sudbury at the end of March! Contact me at if you would like an invitation.

Have a great day.. see you all next month.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Vulnerable Wandering Person's Information Sheet

ATTN Parents and Caregivers of those with Special Needs and Wandering Tendencies!

This week after our meeting with the Sudbury Regional Police with invitees from the Orillia Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, Rainbow District School Board, Special Olympics Ontario and North Shore Search and Rescue, it was suggested that we use the draft form created in the back of your packages to keep a current record of your child's profile, in the case of an emergency. I am revising the form tonight and a message will be circulated to you this week for those not in attendance with an attachment with revisions to share with others you know who will benefit from this information until the forms/registry are finally approved by the police locally and provincially.

Thank you,


Monday, April 26, 2010

Meeting with Autism Coffee Chat!

Many thanks to those who have responded in regards to our special meeting this Wednesday at 6:30 pm. We now have enough representatives from Coffee Chat to make our voices heard~ thanks to everyone - we can make this happen in our community!

Additionally, please visit the Autism Candelight Vigil Facebook page to say that you WILL attend - it only takes a minute

We have 1,468 attendees confirmed to date!


See you at our next Support group meeting, I am going to try and arrange a street-proofing session!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Annual Christmas Party!!!

Hello Friends!
Check your emails for information on our up-coming Christmas Party on December 13th, 2009. RSVP to Trish by December 10th, re your attendance so that extra gifts can be purchased!
All for today..

Saturday, October 3, 2009

POST-PONED Autism Town Hall Meeting - Oct 28th 09



The Alliance for Families with Autism (AFA) is pleased to announce we are hosting a Town Hall Meeting regarding the issues surrounding autism on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2009. The meeting will include Ministers from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) as well as the Ministry of Education (MEDU).

In attendance will be Hon. Deb Matthews, MCYS , Hon. Kathleen Wynne, MEDU, Hon. Madeleine Meilleur, MCSS (invited).
All parents, families and interested individuals are welcome to attend this event. This is an opportunity for the autism community to voice their concerns with regards to current programs and receive an update from both Ministers regarding the direction of their ministries for the future.

The Alliance for Families with Autism (AFA) is a volunteer organization. Our mission is improving the lives of children and adults affected by autism. We continue to provide information to all stakeholders.

TIME 6:45-8:45

WHERE Boardroom and Atrium
Peel DSB
HJA Brown Education Centre
5650 Hurontario Street
Mississauga, Ontario, L5R 1C6
(south west corner of Hwy. 10 and
Matheson Blvd
(see map)Google search... 5650 Hurontario Street.

For more information please contact:

Lisa Prasuhn (905) 729-4029
Trish Kitching (705) 222-9432
Pat La Londe (613) 372-5580

Thursday, August 6, 2009

UPDATE: Autism BIG TENT Meeting!!!!

A message about the Big Tent Meeting on Saturday..... for those of you outside the GTA who would like to participate:

Subject: Great News about our Meeting!

Today has been a busy day of pre-meeting preparation. We're happy to announce the following:

1. We WILL have an internet connection at the meeting, which will allow us to post a live blog about the event. We're also working on putting together a chat feature that may allow those of you who are out of town to communicate with us while the meeting unfolds. Here's the URL for the blog site (you'll also be able to find the link at the OAC website);

2. We received confirmation today that Suzanne Lanthier, Executive Director of Autism Speaks Canada, will be joining us at the meeting. For those of you interested in lobbying at the federal level, this will be a great opportunity to hear about the plans that Autism Speaks is developing for more advocacy on the national scene.

3. We also have representatives who will be attending from a variety of other organizations: Autism Ontario, the Alliance for Families with Autism, and Autism Resolution Ontario. We're really excited by the wide-cross section of advocates who will be with us on Saturday.

4. Thanks to a generous contribution from Autism Speaks, we will be able to provide coffee and lunch for up to 50 participants. It's a simple box lunch--small sandwich, chips and a drink, but it allows us to keep everyone on site, which will save us a lot of time. As a result, we're tightening up the agenda so that we can end earlier. (See our website for the revised agenda)

5. We've had over 60 responses to our pre-meeting survey, and it's telling us that there is a very high level of consensus on the goals and objectives we should be working towards. Thanks very much to all of you who have taken the time to complete it. For those of you who haven't had a chance, we'd really appreciate it if you could try to do so before tomorrow night. Here's the survey link, one more time:;

Please remember to RSVP to this event if you haven't done so already. We look forward to seeing lots of you on Saturday, and we hope to chat on-line with those of you joining us from far away.


Bruce & Laura